Sociology, asked by shareennisha910, 11 months ago

Birth rates have fallen dramatically - and voluntarily. Coercive
birth control, including paying people not to have babies, was
discredited and abandoned decades ago. Nearly two-thirds of the
couples in poor countries now use birth control, and not because
some patriarchal westerner told them to. In the 1970s, the
government of Bangladesh offered people in the Matlals region lowcost
contraceptive supplies and advice. Birth rates promptly fell well
below those of neighbouring regions. So Bangladesh extended the
service nationally and its birth rate plummeted from six children per
woman to three.

(1) The 'population bomb' has already gone off.
(2) Given the choice, people want fewer children.
(3) Governments want fewer children since their own life expectancy falls
with rising numbers.
(4) Even when birth rates fall, there is a lag which means population
keeps growing far decades until birth and death rates even out.


Answered by shreyas737
answer please
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