Black objects absorb more heat than white or polished ones. Give an example of this from
your day-to-day life.
It is true that black thing absorbs more heat. Like we wear light colored clothes during summer days. White colored clothes do not absorb much heat but dark or heavy colored clothes absorb excess heat.
We wear white coloured or light coloured clothes in summer as they absorb less radiant heat and keep our body cooler
Electric room heater are provided with a polished metal surface behind the heating element .This surface reflects almost all the radiant heat from the heating element that falls on it and makes room heater more effective
White is a complete lack of the electromagnetic wavelengths that the human eye and brain perceive as color. Originally Answered: Why dark colours absorb heat while light colours do not. Coloured objects absorb one particular wavelength. a sunny day, the temperature difference will be very discernible, as the white