Blue green algae have been included under Monera and not under the kingdom plantae explain
Characteristics of Monera and Plantae
Kingdom Monera
The kingdom prokaryotes are divided into two sub kingdoms:
Most Archaebacteria are autotrophs and only photosynthesize.
They derive energy for metabolic activities from oxidation of chemical energy resources like ammonia, methane, etc.
They are divided into 3 groups -
- Methanogens: produce methane
- Thermoacidophiles: They favour hot and acidic environment and use hydrogen sulphide as energy source.
- Halophiles - They grow in salty environment (alkaline).
- They have outer cell wall that surrounds plasma membrane.
- A circular strand of DNA is present.
The bacteria are of different shapes like:
1.Bacilli (rod shaped).
2. Cocci (spherical).
3. Spirillium (spiral).
4. Vibrio (comma).
Classification of gram +ve and gram -ve
- Gram positive bacteria: Stains red with gram stain.
- Gram negative bacteria: Do not stains red.
Kingdom Plantae
It includes multicellular organisms except the primitive algae.
They are eukaryotes.
Cell wall consists of cellulose.
They have double membrane organelles plastids
• Some plastids have photosynthetic pigment called chloroplast.
• They are autotrophic.
• Growth is indefinite.
• Body form is irregular as it possesses branches.
Kingdom Plantae
• It includes multicellular organisms except the primitive algae.
• They are eukaryotes.
• Cell wall consists of cellulose.
• A mature plant cell has a large vacuole for storing food in the form of starch.
• They have double membrane organelles plastids
• They are autotrophic.
• Growth is indefinite.
Blue green algae possess characters similar to Monera , that is why grouped under monera and not under Plantae .