BNF notation of do while loop
BNF stand for Backus naur form notation it is a formal method for describing the syntax of programming language which is understood as bakus naur form introduced by John bakus and Peter naur in 1960 BNF may be a meta language ( a language that cannot describe another another language for primary language
The answer to the given question is:
<while loop> ::= while ( <condition> ) <statement>
Its name denotes Backus-Naur Form. A formal representation of context-free grammar is written using it. It is also employed to characterize a programming language's syntax.
In essence, BNF notation is merely a form of context-free grammar.
• Context-free grammar can be specified in a formal, mathematical manner. Prior to BNF, people specified programming languages in an imprecise manner, for example, English.
How does BNF appear?
• For example, "number"::= "digit" | "number"::= "digit":= "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
• "::=" denotes "is defined as" (in some dialects, ":=" is used instead).
"|" denotes "or,"
• A nonterminal is indicated by angle brackets.
• Terminals are symbols without angle brackets.