English, asked by asknanalegacy, 5 months ago

body to the topic why the school should install on moral lessons into the students​


Answered by Ꚃhαtαkshi

Why Are Ethics and Morality Important for Children?

When most people think about a school curriculum, they think about math, science, social studies, and language courses. Seldom do I hear or read about moral values being part of educational curricula in the modern day.

This creates a unique problem. Neglecting to teach moral values alongside academic concepts in schools is hurting our students and causing problems in society. If an individual doesn't learn moral values as they develop, how will they be able to discern the difference between right and wrong?

The goal of incorporating moral values into education is to ensure that, upon graduation, students not only have the knowledge and skills needed to work and succeed, but also the compassion and emotional wherewithal to be a part of a safe, peaceful, and cooperative society.

Why Teach Moral Values in Schools?

As parents and educators, we should all advocate the teaching of moral values in our schools for the following five reasons.

1. To Prepare Our Children for Their Future Roles in Society

The acquisition of knowledge in school is only one goal of education. Another primary goal of education should be enabling students to gain moral values. Our children will need both knowledge and morality to prepare themselves to be good friends, parents, colleagues, coworkers, and citizens in society.

2. Because Many Parents Aren't Teaching Moral Values

If all parents were teaching their children moral values at home, it would not be necessary for the schools to do this work. The sad fact is that a lot of kids are not learning the difference between right and wrong from their parents. Some parents can only spend a few hours with their children every week due to their busy workdays. In many families, there is only one parent present and no other role models for kids to follow. Some children don't have parents at all.

3. To Provide an Alternative to the Violence and Dishonesty Students See Around Them

Every day, students are exposed to violence, dishonesty, and other social problems in the media and the real world. How many times have we heard about school shootings? How often are students are caught cheating on exams? How often do we read about bullying in schools and fights between gangs? If moral values were taught in schools, perhaps we would have fewer of these problems.

4. To Counter the Bad Influences in Society

Unfortunately, many of the role models young people look up to set bad examples. These bad examples can range from sexual misconduct to the degradation of women to the advocacy of violence to the condoning of using dishonesty to succeed.

5. Because These Values Will Stick With Them for Life

It's amazing the amount of math and science knowledge I have forgotten since my school days. I haven't, however, forgotten the moral lessons I learned in school. One of these moral lessons was learned while I was a varsity football player. Our team had just lost a tough game because the referee had ruled that we were stopped inches away from scoring a touchdown. When our school principal heard my teammates and I complaining about how the officiating had caused us to lose the game, he got on the bus afterward and said that, in life, the referee never beats you.

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