boiling is quite good method to purify water give reason in support of this statement
Yes boiling is quite good method to purify water because
1=harmful insects kill by the high temp. of water.
2=impurities of water gets damage.
3=by the help of boling of water kill germs
High temperatures causes the bacteria and virus to disappear and vanish, by removing all impurities from the water. Thus, boiling is important to purify water.
The best way to kill Disease-causing organisms, including viruses, bacteria, and parasites is by Boiling. High temperatures and more time of boiling will kill the organisms present in the water. Chemical additions stops to exist in water. The water has lower boiling point than the contaminants and disease-causing agents found in water. Giardia cysts and other organic impurities are killed within three minutes of boiling. Carbon dioxide is removed out in the form of water vapour.