Computer Science, asked by vishalisharma872, 10 months ago

Bond order in oxygen molecule is:-
1). 1
2). 2
3). 2.5
4). 3​


Answered by narenderyadav13781


2nd is the correct option

Answered by kashinathmhaske47


accuracy appropriate words and spellingcoherence and relevance of ideas and styleSilas Marner- weaver who arrived at Raveloe from Lantern yard-betrayed by his friend William Dane-spent his days at the loom-villagers regarded him as a miser loner person with special powers-used to handle his gold coins every evening -when he lost his gold felt shattered ran to Rainbow Inn seeking help-with the arrival of Eppie his life changed became a devoted father to the child -became friendly to neighbours-began attending church-forgiving-accepted his fate decided to continue living in Raveloe -left his past behind.-any other relevant pointany 6 pointsDetailed Answer :Silas Marner came and settled at a cottage near the deserted stone-pit in Raveloe. The base betrayal of his friend William Dane who implicated Silas on a charge of theft made him suffer ex-communication from the religious sect at Lantern Yard. As the lots drawn by the church authorities declared him to be guilty he lost faith in God and mankind. His engagement to Sarah was broken off. She married his false friend William. Having lost his moorings at Lantern Yard Silas settled at Raveloe. Silas had formerly loved the purpose of money when he used it primarily for charitable purposes but now it had no purpose. His love was transferred to the money itself and he began hoarding the earnings from his trade. As Silas continued his solitary existence his growing hoard of money became an absorbing passion. During this period of Silas’s gradual withering an incident occurred that showed that the fountain of affection in him had not become completely dry. While carrying water from a nearby well in his brown mud-pot Silas accidentally dropped it and the pot broke into three pieces. Sick with grief he carried the pieces home. After piecing them together he kept the broken pot in its usual place as a memorial.Such was the dreary recluse-like life of Silas Marner till about the Christmas of his fifteenth year. Then an event occurred which in a singular way blended his life with that of his neighbours. It was the theft of his money by Dunstan Cass the scapegrace son of Squire Cass.Silas Marner the linen-weaver was happy with his life after the advent of Eppie. For sixteen years he was happy with his foster-daughter. His cup of joy became full when Eppie turned down the offer of Godfrey to take her after publicly owning her as his daughter. But the dark chapter from his past life was gnawing on his mind. He had been falsely involved in the theft of the church money and excommunicated by his religious sect in Lantern Yard. He wished to visit the place and meet. Mr.Paston the old minister and find out if his innocence had ever been established and what had occurred with the casting of lots. Although mysterious are the ways of Providence it is foolish and futile to try to explain the mysteries of human life. It was the will of the Divine Power that Silas should suffer shame and loss of his fair name in Lantern Yard unjustly and gain an honourable name and position and live happily with Eppie the regenerating force in his life in Raveloe.

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