Boojho noticed that when he released his breath after holding it for some time, he had to breathe heavily. Can you tell him why it was so?
बोहो ने देखा कि जब उन्होंने कुछ समय तक सांस लेने के बाद सांस छोड़ी तो उन्हें भारी सांस लेनी पड़ी। क्या आप उसे बता सकते हैं कि ऐसा क्यों था?
Kindly give answer in English language only!
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English is a West Germanic language first spoken in early medieval England which eventually became the leading language of ...
Language family: Indo-European > Germanic > West Germanic > Ingvaeonic > Angl...
Official language in: 67 countries; 27 non-sovereign entities; Various organisations: > ...
Early forms: Old English: Middle English > Early Modern English
Signed forms: Manually coded
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