Book Review of the story THE BFG nd atleast 3 pages of review
The book starts, a young girl named Sophie lies in bed in an orphanage. She can’t sleep, and sees a strange sight in the street. A giant man is walking in the street, carrying a bag and what looks like a sharing dream trumpet. He sees Sophie, who runs to her bed and tries to hide. This work, and the giant picks her up through the window. Then, he starts to run incredibly fast, until he reaches a large cave, which he enters.
When he sets Sophie down, she begins to plead for her life, believing that the giant will eat her. The giant laughs, and explains that most giants do eat human beings, and that the people’s origins affect their taste. For example, people from Greece taste greasy, while people from Panama taste of hats. The giant then says that he will not eat her, as he is the BFG, or the Big Friendly Giant.
The BFG then explains that she must stay with him forever, as no one can know of his existence. He warns her of the dangers of leaving his cave, as his neighbors are sure to eat her if they catch her. The BFG then explains what he was doing with the trumpet and suitcase. He catches dreams, stores them in the cave, and then gives the good ones to children all around the world. He destroys the bad ones. The BFG then explains that he only eats snozzcumbers, which are disgusting striped warty cucumber-like vegetables with wart-like growths that taste like frogskins and rotten fish to Sophie and cockroaches and slime wanglers to the BFG. Another giant called the Bloodbottler then storms in. Sophie hides in a snozzcumber and is nearly eaten by the Bloodbottler. Bloodbottler then leaves in disgust. When Sophie announces she is thirsty, the BFG treats her to a fizzy drink called frobscottle which causes noisy flatulence because of the bubbles sinking downwards. The BFG calls this "Whizpopping". The next morning, the BFG takes Sophie to Dream Country to catch more dreams, but is tormented by the man-eating giants along the way; notably by their leader the Fleshlumpeater, the largest and most fearsome.
In Dream Country, the BFG demonstrates his dream-catching skills to Sophie; but the BFG mistakenly captures a nightmare and uses it to start a fight among the other giants when Fleshlumpeater has a nightmare about Jack. Sophie later persuades him to approach the Queen of England toward imprisoning the other giants. To this end, she uses her knowledge of London to navigate the BFG to Buckingham Palace, and the BFG creates a nightmare, introducing knowledge of the man-eating giants to the Queen, and leaves Sophie in the Queen's bedroom to confirm it. Because the dream included the knowledge of Sophie's presence, the Queen believes her and speaks with the BFG.
A fleet of helicopters then follows Sophie and the BFG to the giants' homeland, where the giants are tied up as they sleep. The only one not easily caught is the Fleshlumpeater who wakes up as the British attempt to tie him up, but Sophie and the BFG trick him into allowing his own capture by claiming that he has been poisoned by a venomous snake so that he will put his hands and feet together to be tied up. The man-eating giants are suspended under the helicopters and carried back to London where they are then imprisoned in a deep pit. After BFG has Fleshlumpeater untied and hoisted out of the pit, the man-eating giants find themselves being only fed snozzcumbers.
Afterwards, a huge castle is built as the BFG's new house, with a little cottage next door for Sophie. While they are living happily in England, with several gifts coming in for many years from the governments of every country ever targeted by the giants (notably England, Sweden, Iraq, Arabia, India, Panama, Tibet, the United States, Chile, Jersey, and New Zealand), the BFG writes a book of their adventures, which is then identified as the novel itself.