Borrowing is necessary evil. Discuss
hello hello yes it is true
If you read or hear much about debt it tends to be portrayed in a negative light. We talk about how much debt Americans have or the student loan crisis. I even wrote a post highlighting many negatives about debt here. However, I’m personally ALWAYS skeptical when financial advice articles use absolutes when giving advice (see what I did there?). I’ve heard rules like “never take out a loan for a car” or “education debt is always good debt.” But, I want you to get away from the rules and start thinking about what you’re doing financially. Understanding debt – that it isn’t always good or bad – will help on your financial path. Without debt most people couldn’t buy a house; there would be only a handful of doctors as most wouldn’t be able to pay cash for their education or work while going to medical school; or people couldn’t get a job because they didn’t have the cash on hand to buy reliable transportation.