English, asked by AsapSunday, 11 months ago


After reading Scene V, you will have discovered Lady Macbeth’s important soliloquy in which she pleads that the spirits “unsex” her. Take Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy beginning with “The raven himself is hoarse” (1.5.39) and ending with “Hold, hold!” (1.5.55) and rewrite it in your own words. Use contemporary language and references while being faithful to the ideas of the original. Limit yourself to 15 lines of text.


Answered by aqeedathashmi75

The victims of Macbeth family are king Duncan, Banquo (fellow of general Macbeth), two chamberlains of the king,  Lady Macduff and her children. in the end, Lady Macbeth killed herself. During the war, when forest walks to the forest, Macbeth killed Siward and McDonald.  As mentioned in 1.2, Macbeth killed disloyal McDonald,  two chamberlains who were sleeping and little Siward.

Answered by prateeshasl


Here is your answer:


Given that it is gloomy and menacing, the raven is a symbol of death and evil. As Duncan's end approaches, he screams hoarsely. To build an unsettling expectation that Duncan, the king, will soon be in danger and turmoil, it uses foreshadowing. When Duncan enters her land, he will make his fatal entry. The mention of a raven in this verse is very significant since it foreshadows the impending violence. The raven is described as being hoarse, indicating that its strength has been diminished and that it is being muted to allay the impending terrors.

The raven, which is also a messenger bird, may refer to the messenger who brought the letter Macbeth penned to his wife and the news that the king had arrived at their home.

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