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Answer these questions :-
Question 1 ) Explain about Bionomial Nomenclature...
Question 2 ) Explain about Hierachy....
Question 3 ) Is there any similarly between Archaebacteria and Eubacteria ?? What is that ??? Also explain its difference !!!!
Question 4 ) Explain how Protista reproduces asexually....
Hoping for detailed answers....
Best of luck...
Asked By SabreQueen No.1
ans 1)In taxonomy, binomial nomenclature ("two-term naming system"), also called binominal nomenclature ("two-name naming system") or binary nomenclature, is a formal system of naming species of living things by giving each a name composed of two parts, both of which use Latin grammatical forms, although they can be based on ...
ans 2) system or organization that has many levels from the lowest to the highest
ans 3) The main difference between Archaebacteria and Eubacteria is? Hint: Archaebacteria are called ancient bacteria whereas eubacteria are called true bacteria. Unlike eubacteria, archaebacteria can survive in extreme conditions.
ans4) Protists can reproduce asexually through binary fission, one nucleus divides; multiple fission, many nuclei divide; and budding. During both types of fission the organism replicates its nucleus and divides to form new organisms.