Branch of biology dealing with aging is called
The phenomenon of aging means quite different things to different people. Most gerontologists would agree that aging is a process, or set of processes, of gradual development and then decline that characterize the life span of an organism. Beyond that, there is very little agreement, and indeed there are many who would argue with this description. In part this lack of agreement is the result of the fact that aging is a very complex phenomenon involving biological, behavioral, and social factors. These various and very varied realms interact to produce the life span trajectory of each single organism on the planet. Adding to this complexity are the cultural, political, and economic assumptions about aging that shape the ways individuals and their institutions think about the "problems of aging."
The study of the biology of aging, or biogerontology, has as its primary objective understanding the basic processes that underlie aging and agerelated disease. For some this means increasing human life span, for others it means increasing human health-span. In either case, the ultimate objective is to reduce human suffering. Whether one wishes to extend human life span or alleviate age-related disease, understanding the underlying processes of aging is essential. Aging is not simply the result of the passage of time. Think of the life spans of guppies, dogs, horses, and humans. All age at a regular rate, but the rate of aging is vastly different from one species to another. Is aging different in each species, or does the same set of processes run at different speeds in different species? What do we actually mean by aging? The simplest definition is the loss of homeostatic ability with the passage of time. Homeostatic ability is the ability to maintain internal stability. That is, the ability of an organism to maintain a stable internal environment in the face of environmental challenges such as changes in temperature, humidity, air quality, and so on. At the most basic level, the loss of this ability is the primary deficit of aging.