breif explanation of male reproductive part
Answer: Male reproductive system is consists of 7 parts. They are as follows :
1. Testis: It is paired, oval shaped male sex organ. It consists of seminiferous tubules where the sperms are produced. It produce a male sex hormones called testosterone which bring about changes in appearance of boys at puberty.
2. Scrotum : It is small pouch that contains testis. Present outside the abdominal cavity. As sperms are formed here this requires a lower temperature than the normal body temperature.
3. Vas Deferens : Tube like structure which connects testis to the urethra in order to allow the passage of semen.
4. Urethra : It is common passage for both the sperms and urine. It never carries both of then at the same time. It is secretes seminal fluid and nutrients.
5. Prostate gland and seminal vesicles : It is fluid and nutrients combines with sperms to form semen. Milky, viscous fluid contains fructose,proteins and other chemicals for nourishing and stimulating sperms.
6. Penis: It is a external male genital organs which transfers sperms into the vagina of the female during copulation.
7. Sperms: Tiny and motile bodies that use their long tail to move through the female reproductive tract.