Social Sciences, asked by prakharajmera, 1 year ago

Brief notes of nationalism in India ​


Answered by nayanprakash78


Nationalism in India

During First World War, Indians cooperated with British, hoping for some political reform by the latter. But their support was not vindicated. The Rowlatt Act, Jallianwala Bagh Massacre and Khilafat Movement, all spurred Indians to revolt against British. Under Mahatma Gandhi, Congress launched Non-Cooperation Movement in 1920. Under this, all British products and institutions were boycotted. But violence at Chauri-Chaura compelled Gandhiji to call off the movement in 1922. After this, some Congress leaders formed Swaraj Party to participate in councils. When an all-white Simon Commission was appointed to look at working of Indian governm ment, Indians rejected it. In 1929, India was promised Dominion Status. But at Congress’ December Session, Purna Swaraj was declared the party’s goal. Mahatma Gandhi sent a demand of eleven points to the Viceroy, whose non-fulfillment would lead to launching of Civil Disobedience Movement. As no response came, he started Dandi March, from Sabarmati to Dandi, where he violated Salt Law. This launched civil disobedience, wherein laws were defied by all including women, who participated in large numbers. Later, Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed. Gandhi called off Civil Disobedience and attended Second Round Table Conference, but returned empty-handed. He then re-launched Civil Disobedience which was finally called off in 1934. When British granted separate electorates to Depressed Classes, Gandhi began a fast unto death against this. Ambedkar, leader of Depressed Classes, accepted Gandhi’s position of common electorates for Hindus, including Depressed Classes, leading to Poona Pact. Idea of collective belonging was promoted through cultural processes. Idea of a nation was visualized through image of Bharat Mata. Nationalists strived hard to preserve and propagate folk tradition. The tricolour flag, first seen during Swadeshi Movement, was redesigned by Gandhiji. Indians also rewrote history to glorify India’s past achievements


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