English, asked by 25251, 1 year ago

Brief summary of war zone and dragon quest games from the lesson virtually true


Answered by rohanharolikar
dragon quest:
Michael is a knight and he finds himself at a castle.
he learns that the objective of the game is to defeat the dragon and rescue the princess that it's guarding and collect treasure on the way
he manages to evage the dragon and reach the princess's room
Sebastian is there
he's the one that really needs rescuing
Michael and Sebastian flee from the castle but the dragon appears
Michael tries to fight it but it kills Sebastian
game over

war zone
Michael and Sebastian appear in a war torn city
objective was to make it to the helicopter in one piece
gunfire everywhere
they run across the city avoiding death
they get into a jeep, drive to helicopter
Michael gets into helicopter
Sebastian frozen in the Jeep
Michael pulls him into the helicopter
helicopter takes off
game over, score 40 million
he won, rescued Sebastian

rohanharolikar: thanks for brainliest
Answered by Poojaramki
War Zone: Michael and Sebastian had to make it to a helicopter in order to eacape from the warzone. With sniper fire and bomb blasts all around them they managed to get to a jeep parked on d road side and sped away quickly. Seb suddenly slammed d brakes and skidded into a spin while Michael jumped in to d helicopter. The tank crashed d car and seb was thrown into d air. Then he was able to catch up the helicopters hatch and managed to get inside the helicopter safely.

Dragon quest; it is d second game. Players assumed tje role of knights and tried to save the princess Aurora from a dragon. It seemed to be real. Althrough the game seb and d narrator werw running away to wscape from d dangerous dragon. Tje narrator also added that he could hear and feel d the evil dragon. However they failed to complete the mission
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