Hindi, asked by kaipengrainy, 3 months ago

briefly describe the main teaching of buddisims​


Answered by tanoojp2000gmailcom


Buddhism encourages its people to avoid self-indulgence but also self-denial. Buddha's most important teachings, known as The Four Noble Truths, are essential to understanding the religion. Buddhists embrace the concepts of karma (the law of cause and effect) and reincarnation (the continuous cycle of rebirth).

Answered by spbankingandsscserie


1.Abstention from killing living beings. Kindness and compassion. Right to life.

2.Abstention from theft. Generosity and renunciation. Right of property.

3.Abstention from sexual misconduct. 4.Contentment and respect for faithfulness. ...

5.Abstention from falsehood. Being honest and dependable. ...

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