Briefly discuss the developments made by the Cholas in the field of agriculture during the
medieval period?
Here Is your answer.
New developments in agriculture made many of the achievements of the Cholas possible. The river Kaveri (which was a part of the regions controlled by the Cholas) branches off into several small channels before entering the Bay of Bengal. The overflowing of the channels deposits fertile soil on their banks and also the water from them provides moisture needed for agriculture, particularly for rice crop. Only in the fifth and sixth century large scale agriculture was started in Tamil Nadu. For this purpose forests were cleared in some regions and land was levelled in some areas. Flooding in the delta region was prevented by building embankments and canals were constructed for carrying water to the fields. Two crops were grown annually in many areas.
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The prosperity of an agricultural country depends to a large extent on the facilities provided for irrigation. Apart from sinking wells and excavating tanks, the Chola rulers threw mighty stone dams across the Kaveri and other rivers, and cut out channels to distribute water over large tracts of land.
Money earned from trade was invested in agriculture.To support population,
the Cholas took extensive step for the expasion of agriculture.
1. More land was levelled and forests were cleared for growing crops.
2.Land grants were given to encourage agriculture.
3.Embankments were made to prevent flooding.
4.They dug wells and constructed tanks to collect rainwater.
5.They built dams on Kaveri and other rivers and provided canals to carry water to the fields.
6.A well planned irrigation system was developed to bring more areas under cultivation.Rajendra chola built an artificial lake with a network of canals to supply water for irrigation
hope it help u
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