English, asked by rs4082453, 5 months ago

briefly discuss the major theme of "animals in danger" as captured in the poem titled " wolf" by keki N daruwalla.​


Answered by anurag21286


Animals in Danger

If the 'presence' of wolves had haunted the mind of the poet as a child, it is now their 'absence' that disturbs him. The poem thus expresses the alarming concerns of animal killing and the everyday threat to their existence.

Answered by Evanbo222


The major theme, "Animals in danger" in the poem "Wolf" by Keki N Daruwalla contains a hidden message that if animals are wiped out so mercilessly, the future generations will never know the value of animal life to mankind.


In the poem, the wolf still occupies the mind of the poet, long after its kind ceases to exist in their vicinity. The existence of the wolf or wolves in that area almost turns into a myth that saddens the poet. As a child the ‘presence’ of wolves had haunted the mind of the poet but now it is their absence that disturbs him. Thus, the poem expresses the alarming concerns of animal killing and the everyday threat to their existence. Moreover, it points towards the dangers of the widespread ‘man and animal conflict’. For example, you may have read news reports on the issue of ‘rhino poaching’ even within the protected areas of Assam’s National parks. If such illegal practices go unnoticed then, perhaps the day is not far when the future generations will find these vulnerable animals on the list of extinct species. The poet leaves an impression of similar concern while wondering how the wolves are now unheard of in the forests bordering his village. This is a special piece of memory or feeling that the poet’s daughter shall never know of, as he did in his childhood. Animals are often seen as insensitive beings but in truth, they are more sensitive than most of their human counterparts, who instead of living in harmony with the natural world, turn into destructive forces.  The poem contains a hidden message that if animals are wiped out so mercilessly, future generations will never know the value of animal life to mankind. It is necessary for us to respect the natural world first and to ensure that the children of the future learn to respect the invaluable gifts of nature in the form of animal life.  Nothing can justify the killing or slaughtering of animals.


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