History, asked by ahmadfarazz2008, 1 year ago

briefly explain the invasion of India by Alexander​


Answered by bsidhardhareddy


In the fourth century BC, the Greeks and the Iranians fought for the supremacy of the world.

Under the leadership of Alexander of Macedonia, the Greeks eventually destroyed the Iranian empire.

Alexander conquered not only Asia Minor and Iraq but also Iran. From Iran he marched to India, obviously attracted by its great wealth.

How 'Great' Was Alexander? - (The Circle of Ancient Iranian ...

Image Source: cais-soas.com/CAIS/Images2/Alexander/Battle_of_Issus.jpg

Herodotus, who is called the father of history, and other Greek writers had painted India as a fabulous land, which tempted Alexander to invade it. Alexander also had a strong passion for geographical inquiry and natural history. He had heard that the Caspian Sea continued on the eastern side of India. He was also inspired by the mythical exploits of past conquerors whom he wanted to emulate and surpass.

The political condition of north-west India suited his plans. The area was parceled out into many independent monarchies and tribal republics, which were strongly wedded to the soil and had a fierce dedication to the principality in which they lived. Alexander found it easy to conquer these principalities one by one. Among the rulers of these territories, two were well known: Ambhi, the prince of Taxila, and Porus whose kingdom lay between the Jhelum and the Chenab. Together they might have effectively resisted Alexander’s advance, but they could not put up a joint front; and the Khyber pass remained unguarded.

Following the conquest of Iran, Alexander moved on to Kabul, from where he marched to India through the Khyber pass in 326 BC. It took him five months to reach the Indus. Ambhi, the ruler of Taxila, readily submitted to the invader, augmenting Alexander’s army and replenishing his treasure. When he reached the Jhelum, Alexander encountered the first and the strongest resistance from Porus. Although Alexander defeated Porus, he was impressed by the bravery and courage of the Indian prince. He therefore restored his kingdom to him and made him his ally. He then advanced as far as the Beas river. He wanted to move still further eastward, but his army refused to accompany him.

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