bring out meaning start with p
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Pace noun Rate of movement or change, walk steadily or to and fro, do something at a controlled and steady rate
Palindrome noun A word or phrase that reads the same backwards as forwards
Pall noun Becoming less appealing through familiarity, a dark cloud of smoke, dust etc
Palpable adjective Able to be touched or felt
Palpitate verb Beat rapidly, shake, tremble
Paltry adjective (of an amount)very small, trivial, measly
Panacea noun A solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases
Panache noun A confident stylish manner
Pandemonium noun Uproar
Paradigm noun A typical example or model
Parameter noun A limit defining the scope of a process or activity, characteristic or distinguishing feature.
Paramount adjective More important than anything else
Paranoid adjective Unjustified distrust of others, a mental condition in which a person has delusions of persecution or grandeur
Pariah noun An outcast
Parity noun Equality
Parlance noun A particular way of using nouns
Paroxysm noun A sudden attack or outburst, a fit
Passe adjective Old fashioned, out of date
Paucity noun Scarcity or lack of something
Pedantic adjective Excessively concerned with minor details or rules
Peevish adjective Irritable, fretful
Penchant noun A strong liking
Penitent adjective Feeling regret for having done wrong
Perambulate verb Walk or travel from place to place
Perdiem noun Daily
Perfidy verb Betrayal of trust, treachery, deceitful, disloyal
Perfunctory adjective Done with minimum of effort or thought, as a routine, superficial
Permeate verb Spread throughout, diffuse
Permutation noun Each of several possible ways of ordering or arranging a number of things
Pertinent adjective Relevant, connected with the matter at hand
Perturb verb Make anxious, cause to be alarmed, agitated or upset
Peruse verb To Read carefully
Peter verb Peter out-come to an end gradually
Petrify verb Paralyze with fear
Petulant adjective Childishly sulky or bad tempered
Piecemeal verb Done in a gradual and inconsistent way, piece by piece
Pigheaded adjective Stubborn
Pinnacle noun The most successful point
Pique noun Resentment arising from hurt pride, verb-stimulate someone's interest
Placate verb Make less angry, soothe, calm down
Plaudit noun Praise, applause
Plausible adjective Seemingly reasonable or probable or true
Plethora noun An excessive amount, overabundance
Polyglot adjective Knowing , speaking or using several languages
Pragmatic adjective Dealing with things in a practical and sensible way, practical
Preamble noun An introduction or opening statement
Precipitate verb Cause to happen suddenly or too soon, cause to move suddenly and with force
Precursor noun A forerunner
Pre-empt verb Take action to prevent something happening beforehand.
Premonition noun A feeling that something is about to happen
Preposterous adjective Completely ridiculous and outrageous
Prerequisite noun Something that must exist or happen before something else can exist or happen
Prerogative noun A right or privilege
Presumptuous adjective Behaving too confidently, taking for granted, assumption
Prevalent adjective Widespread
Prevaricate verb Avoid giving a direct answer
Privy adjective Sharing in the knowledge of a secret
Probity noun Honesty, integrity
Procrastinate verb Postpone action
Promulgation verb Make widely known, to make known officially
Propensity noun A tendency, a natural inclination
Protagonist noun The leading character in a novel, drama etc
Protege noun A person who is guided and supported by a more experienced person
Protocol noun The system of rules governing formal occasions, the accepted code of behavior in a situation
Provoke verb Cause a strong reaction, deliberately annoy or anger, stir up to do something
Pseudonym noun A false name esp one used by an author, a fictitious name esp one assumed by the author, pen name
Punctilious adjective Showing great attention to detail or correct behavior
Punitive adjective Intended as punishment, inflicting or concerned with punishment
Putative adjective Reputed, supposed, generally thought of as such
Pyrrhic adjective Won at too great a cost to have been worthwhile
Palindrome noun A word or phrase that reads the same backwards as forwards
Pall noun Becoming less appealing through familiarity, a dark cloud of smoke, dust etc
Palpable adjective Able to be touched or felt
Palpitate verb Beat rapidly, shake, tremble
Paltry adjective (of an amount)very small, trivial, measly
Panacea noun A solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases
Panache noun A confident stylish manner
Pandemonium noun Uproar
Paradigm noun A typical example or model
Parameter noun A limit defining the scope of a process or activity, characteristic or distinguishing feature.
Paramount adjective More important than anything else
Paranoid adjective Unjustified distrust of others, a mental condition in which a person has delusions of persecution or grandeur
Pariah noun An outcast
Parity noun Equality
Parlance noun A particular way of using nouns
Paroxysm noun A sudden attack or outburst, a fit
Passe adjective Old fashioned, out of date
Paucity noun Scarcity or lack of something
Pedantic adjective Excessively concerned with minor details or rules
Peevish adjective Irritable, fretful
Penchant noun A strong liking
Penitent adjective Feeling regret for having done wrong
Perambulate verb Walk or travel from place to place
Perdiem noun Daily
Perfidy verb Betrayal of trust, treachery, deceitful, disloyal
Perfunctory adjective Done with minimum of effort or thought, as a routine, superficial
Permeate verb Spread throughout, diffuse
Permutation noun Each of several possible ways of ordering or arranging a number of things
Pertinent adjective Relevant, connected with the matter at hand
Perturb verb Make anxious, cause to be alarmed, agitated or upset
Peruse verb To Read carefully
Peter verb Peter out-come to an end gradually
Petrify verb Paralyze with fear
Petulant adjective Childishly sulky or bad tempered
Piecemeal verb Done in a gradual and inconsistent way, piece by piece
Pigheaded adjective Stubborn
Pinnacle noun The most successful point
Pique noun Resentment arising from hurt pride, verb-stimulate someone's interest
Placate verb Make less angry, soothe, calm down
Plaudit noun Praise, applause
Plausible adjective Seemingly reasonable or probable or true
Plethora noun An excessive amount, overabundance
Polyglot adjective Knowing , speaking or using several languages
Pragmatic adjective Dealing with things in a practical and sensible way, practical
Preamble noun An introduction or opening statement
Precipitate verb Cause to happen suddenly or too soon, cause to move suddenly and with force
Precursor noun A forerunner
Pre-empt verb Take action to prevent something happening beforehand.
Premonition noun A feeling that something is about to happen
Preposterous adjective Completely ridiculous and outrageous
Prerequisite noun Something that must exist or happen before something else can exist or happen
Prerogative noun A right or privilege
Presumptuous adjective Behaving too confidently, taking for granted, assumption
Prevalent adjective Widespread
Prevaricate verb Avoid giving a direct answer
Privy adjective Sharing in the knowledge of a secret
Probity noun Honesty, integrity
Procrastinate verb Postpone action
Promulgation verb Make widely known, to make known officially
Propensity noun A tendency, a natural inclination
Protagonist noun The leading character in a novel, drama etc
Protege noun A person who is guided and supported by a more experienced person
Protocol noun The system of rules governing formal occasions, the accepted code of behavior in a situation
Provoke verb Cause a strong reaction, deliberately annoy or anger, stir up to do something
Pseudonym noun A false name esp one used by an author, a fictitious name esp one assumed by the author, pen name
Punctilious adjective Showing great attention to detail or correct behavior
Punitive adjective Intended as punishment, inflicting or concerned with punishment
Putative adjective Reputed, supposed, generally thought of as such
Pyrrhic adjective Won at too great a cost to have been worthwhile
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