English, asked by kistnaOommen, 1 year ago

Bring out the element of humour, saitre and irony in the story The Tiger King. ( 120 - 150 words)


Answered by Sudhalatwal
Kalki colours the story 'The Tiger King' with different shades of humour, irony and satire. He wants to bring the point across that man goes on killing wild animals due to his whims and sport. He satirizes the irrational behaviour of the Tiger King and his mission to kill hundred tigers because he had been told that his ' death will come from tiger'. Ironically, his death comes from tiger, but a wooden toy tiger that he bought for his son.
Similarly, many instances evoke humour which include his asking question, as a ten day's infant to the astrologer about his death, his marrying for sake of getting more tigers to kill as his state was devoid of tigers. Despite being a king, his sole aim is to kill hundred tigers and due to that he even risks his kingdom suggesting the British officer to hunt a boar, a deer or even a mosquito. His gift of diamond rings and British officer's wife's greed present humour in the story.
Answered by upenderjoshi28

The story ‘The Tiger King’ is amalgam of humour, satire, and irony. The humour is quite palpable during the Tiger King’s conversation with his Dewwan. When the Tiger King expresses his desire to get married , the Dewaan’s reply evokes humour. He says, “Your Majesty, I have two wives already. If I marry you ...’’ Another instance of humour is when Dewaan and his wife take the old tiger in their car to the forest and the tiger refusing to get out of the car.

The entire story is a subtle satire on Kings and high-government and British officials who indulged in indiscriminate tiger hunting for the gratification of their pleasures which has endangered the species.

The irony is tangible at the end. The Tiger King though tried very hard to prove the astrologer’s prediction false, finally died because of a tiger, though a wooden one. His killing of hundred tigers could not save him.

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