Bring out the satire in the story (chapter MRS. PACKLETIDE TIGER )
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satire is a way of writing in which the writer highlights certain negative aspects in society or human beings in a humorous way. the story "MRS . PACKLETIDE'S TIGER"can be aptly called a satire. since they belong to a affluent family, they don't had any responsibilities. their easy going life finds thrill in life in adventures. it looks childish that mrs . pacleketide had spent a lot of money is shooting such a tiger which is going near its death. it is ironical that the tiger had took rest even to jump over a goat which was quite near. the exploitation of situation by mebbin to get money is also ironical. in fact, all the three women had been satirised humorously in such a way that their hypocrisy and vain glory was clearly understood.
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The irony in this chapter was that
1. Children were made to stand on the outskirt of the local jungle said that the couldn't escape for a fresh hunt.
2. The tiger was dead becoz of the sudden noise of the gun shot.
3. Mother were told not to sing the song as the it would lead to tiger's death as the tiger was very old.
Hope this answer will help u.
And if u have any doubt so plz ask.
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