Biology, asked by Tabishbhai5125A, 11 months ago

broadcasting is used for _ seed​


Answered by prithakundu


Broadcast planting is the method of sowing seeds by scattering them over the surface of the soil. Broadcasting is usually done by hand. Although broadcasting may require some practice before it is mastered, when properly performed broadcasting can increase yields and extend the reaping season.

Most vegetables that are to be transplanted can be broadcast in the seed beds. Carrots, mustard, turnips and radishes give very good results when broadcast planted.

Small seeds such as lettuce, cabbage, carrots, onions, or turnips, should be broadcast so that the seeds will be one to two inches apart. If the seed is sown too thick, some thinning of the young plants will be necessary. Carrots can be mixed with sand or cornmeal at the rate of one part seed to eight parts sand or cornmeal. This mixture will help the farmer sow the seeds more evenly so less thinning will be needed.

Broadcasting seeds allows the young plants to create and benefit from the living mulch, "mini-climate" effect much earlier in the season.

hope this helps you and have a good day.

Answered by vartikag2563

hello !!

broadcasting is used for sowing seeds.

Thank you.

ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

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