English, asked by abhijithgirish30, 3 months ago

Broadly speaking, RC passages can be classified in a few categories. Fact

based RC is the simplest form of RC. These types of passages have lot of

information in the form of names, numbers etc.

2. Just make yourself familiar with the structure of the passage. Just see in which

paragraph author is talking about what, Mark it. Then when you go to the

questions, identify in which paragraph information regarding that question is

mentioned. Go to that paragraphand mark the answer.

3. Inference based RC is the toughest form of RC. This includes passages on

topics like Religion, Spirituality, Philosophy, etc. The reading speed is fairly

slow in this type of passages. The way to master this type of passages is to

read them again and again while practising.

4. Topic based RC includes passages on any particular topic like economics,

astrology, medical science, etc. Generally what makes -these passages tough

is usage of technical terms. For success in this type of passages we need to

have a fan-understanding of the definition of the term if it is defined in the

passage. Read that definition twice if you need to. But don’t worry about

technical terms if they are not defined in the passage. Assume them to be non-

existent and proceed.

5. Reading passage first and then questions is the most popular strategy for RC.

While answering the question you may come back to the passage to find

answer as you have just read the passage initially and not crammed it. But you

should not come back for each and every question. The key to success for thisstrategy is that you should understand the passage very well. We will suggest

students to follow this technique from the beginning and work upon this.

6. Reading questions first and then passage is the strategy followed by a few

students. The objective is that after seeing the questions when you read the

passage then you read only that part carefully where the answer is given. The

flaw with this is that you will not be able to remember all the questions. Besides

this, this strategy fails when there are questions that require understanding of

the passage.

On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the

twelve that follow:

i)Most students find Reading Comprehension difficult because……………………….

(a) the language is tough

(b) the vocabulary is difficult

(c) the style is too involved

(d) the topics are unrelated to their interest

ii)Fact based RC is the easiest because……………………….

(a) it is written in simple language

(b) there are no allusions

(c) it contains information

(d) it can be memorised easily

iii) For answering a question on RC, one should……………………….

(a) memorise the facts, figures, etc.

(b) mark what the author is talking about in the para

(c) mark the essential details of the passage

(d) remember the names, numbers, etc.

iv)Topic based RC is tough as……………………….

(a) it contains technical terms

(b) it is based on different topics

(c) it demands instant understanding

(d) one can’t read them fast enough

v) Careful reading of the passage is essential for……………………….

(a) answering difficult questions

(b) saving time and effort

(c) proper understanding and answering correctly

(d) selective identification of relevant parts

vi)The word ‘diverse’ in para 2 means……………………….(b) same

(c) variety

(d) different

vii). What is the proper word for ‘quality that involves beliefs of religious nature,rather than

the physical parts of life’?(para 3)





viii)which type of R C is tough?

a)Topic based RC

b)Inference based RC

c)Fact based RC

d)All of the above

ix)Which step is considered more essential for finding right answers?

a)Read the passage only.

b)Write the facts.

c)Careful reading of the passage is essential for proper understanding and answers


d)Reading questions only is the popular strategy.

x) What is the most popular strategy for solving Reading Comprehension(RC)?

a)Reading questions first is the most popular strategy for solving RC.

b)Reading passage first and then question is the most popular strategy for solving


c)Reading passage only first is the popular strategy.

d)Reading question first only is the popular strategy.

xi)Find the word similar in the meaning from passage.

Accept as true (para 6)





xii)What is the way to master on inference based RC ?


Answered by Anonymous


chance to start living.” If these sleeping men were dead instead of sleeping, they’d be no worse off than they are now. There are a lot of men who can rule Naples just as well as this sleeping guy here can. There are a lot of men who babble nonsense as well as Gonzalo. I could do it myself. Oh, I wish you understood what I’m saying—you’d see how you’re missing out on a great opportunity for yourself! Do you even get what I’m saying?

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