English, asked by sajida126, 5 months ago

brother said to his sister,"let mr solve the sum " change the mode of narration​


Answered by Anonymous

AnsweR :-

The brother asked his sister to let him solve the sum.



In English there are 2 types of speeches that are:-

  • Direct speech
  • Indirect speech



  • Direct speech:-

➩ Direct speech also known as quoted speech means the actual or exact words that are spoken by a person.

➩ The direct speech is always enclosed with inverted commas (" ")

➩ There is no change in words.

➩ For eg; He said to me, " What are you doing?"

  • Indirect speech:-

➩ Indirect speech means reporting what the first person has said or asked.

➩ we change a sentence in indirect speech without using first person's actual words.

➩ This is also known as reported speech.

➩ We change it into the past tense.

➩ For eg; He asked me what I was doing.


Answered by Sitααrα

Required Answer:-

1. Brother said to his sister,"let me solve the sum " ( Direct speech )

  • The brother asked his sister to let him solve the sum. ( Indirect speech )

How the tense changed?

Present Simple → Past Simple

Present Continuous → Past Continuous

Present Perfect → Past Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous → Past Perfect Continuous

Past Simple → Past Perfect

Past Continuous → Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect - No change

Past Perfect Continuous - No change

Explore more:-

There are two ways of reporting what someone has spoken:-

a) When the exact words spoken by a person are used , it is called direct speech.

b) When the words spoken by a person are put in our own words , it is called indirect speech.

For example:-

Suppose your friend told you that you have a good handwriting. You want to convey this to your parents.You can do it in either of these two ways :-

  • My friend said to me, "You have a good handwriting. (Direct speech)
  • My friend told me that I had a good handwriting.(indirect speech)

Related information:-

  • The exact words of the speaker, written within Quotation marks or Inverted commas (“”) is called Reported speech.
  • The verb that introduces the Reported speech is called a Reporting verb
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