Buccal cavity is not a part of the
alimentary canal.
buccal cavity is not a part of the alimentary canal. false
Alimentary canal is also called as digestive tract. It starts in the mouth followed by buccal cavity and ends at the anus. The digestion starts in the anterior cavity called buccal cavity. Teeth are embedded in a socket of mandible (lower jaw) and maxilla (upper jaw). These sockets are called as tooth sockets. Human shows both diphyodont and monophyodont types of dentition. In diphyodont dentition, there are 2 sets of teeth, namely deciduous and permanent set. In monophyodont dentition, there is only 1 set of teeth. In humans, molar teeth show monophyodont dentition and rest teeth show diphyodont dentition. Pharynx is part of both digestive and respiratory system. Pharynx opens into oesophagus in digestive system and larynx in respiratory system.
Thus, the correct answer is 'a, b , c & d.'