Buddhism spread nationally and internationally.
Give the Reason in 80-100 words
Buddhism gained wide acceptance and its popularity spread like wild fire throughout India. Various causes were response accounted for the rise and spread of Buddhism. In recorded time, every nook and corner of the country reverberated with the prayers of the monks (bhikshus) and the lay-worshippers (Upasikas).
1. Influence of Time:
6th Century B.C. was an ideal time for the spread of Buddhism. It was a time when people were fed up with the superstitions, complex rituals and rites and blind beliefs. The message of the Buddha came as a welcome relief to people already groaning under the oppressive weight of Brahmanism. They were easily drawn to Buddhism by the simplicity of its faith and its religious tolerance.
2. Simple Doctrines:
As compared with Jainism, Buddhism was essentially simple. It did not confuse the people. Rather its ‘Arya Satya’ ‘Eight-fold Path and ‘concept of non-violence’ were so simple that people could easily understand and follow these. Buddhism also lacked the severity of Jainism, as well as the complexity of Vedic rituals. The people, already fed up with Brahminical manipulations of Vedic religion, came to accept Buddhism as a soothing and refreshing change.