Science, asked by dishapankaj5, 1 year ago

Bunty is visually impaired. He heard a different person's voice who is talking his father. Just by
hearing the voice of the person, he recognised that sound that this person is his materna.
aunt. Identify those charaterstics of sound which is revealed to him that (1) it was female voice
and (ii) the person is his maternal aunt.​


Answered by Tulsi4890
  • People have different style and talking pattern which is very unique.  
  • There are two aspects by which we recognise someone’s voice which is the pitch of the voice and the content of the conversation.
  • The auditory area and visual area generally works together to identify a person.  
  • But as Bunty was visually impaired so his auditory area of brain helped him to identify that the voice is female and of his aunts.  
Answered by presentmoment

The texture and quality of the voice and the style of speaking showed Bunty that the speaker was her maternal aunt.  


  • It is said generally that people who are impaired in one sense organs, they have very strong other four sense organs.

When Bunty heard a voice speak, he understood that it was an

(i) female voice from the tone and baritone of the voice and

(ii) from the style of speaking, words used and the language and intonation he understood that it is his maternal aunt.

Learn more about characteristics of sound:

What are the characteristics of sound? Define them

Name three characteristics of sound?

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