CBSE BOARD XII, asked by jagteshvaroberoi, 10 months ago

Burj Khaleefa tower sets records and makes profits
'As of today we have sold 90% of the building,' said Mohamed Ali Alabbar,
chairman of the property company that constructed the world's tallest
building, 'Originally we thought that we would be lucky to break even.'
Completing such a huge building during one of the world's biggest economie
downturns were not ideal, but the revenue from the sold apartments and
office space is on target. Selling only around 80% of the space available
would have meant that the construction company, Emaar, would have just
broken even
But by attracting and retaining the interest of enough corporations so that
only 10% of space was vacant meant that the Burj Dubai is already
profitable in the week it was completed.
1. What is the difference between 'revenue' and 'profit?
2. What do you think 'breaking even' means?
3. If only 80% of the Burj Dubai office space and apartments had been
sold, would you have advised the developers to reduce prices of the
remaining space?


Answered by despacito42


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