English, asked by harjeetsingh2541, 9 months ago

Bus runs over two school children returning from their school on their bicycle on GT road main crossing. The bus driver was pulled out by angry mob.
Badly beaten and handed over to the police within 10minutes the parents of the children reached the spot wepping bitterly .write a report stating .the mishappening. Pls give me this report quickly


Answered by Mantasha03



Writer name, place, Date : Bus runs over two school children's returning from their school on their bicycle on GT road main crossing.

The accident took place on GT road main crossing. A bus ran over two children's who were returning from their school on bicycle. The angry mobs on the spot pulled out the driver from bus and beaten him very badly they handed him to the police within 10 minutes. The parents of the children reached the spot weeping bitterly. The injured were sent to the hospital for treatment.

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