English, asked by karamjeetkaurbhuttay, 6 months ago

The Seed
from our
liberty was
sufused to fall
he couldge
Long, long ago in China, there lived a wise emperor whose once-dark braid had
turned the colour of new-fallen snow. He was old, and it was time for him to
choose a successor. Although he had many sons and grandsons to choose from, the
emperor felt that power and wealth had made his heirs lazy. He wanted to appoint
someone outside the family.
Loud drums called a gathering of young men to the temple at the top ofthe mountain.
When they arrived, the emperor, seated on a magnificent throne, announced, 'It is
time to choose the next emperor.'
The shocked townsmen whispered among themselves, Nothing like this has ever
happened before!
The emperor continued, 'Today, each of you will take a seed. In one year you will
bring your plant to the temple.'
A golden bowl filled with seeds was set before the crowd. Each person took just
one seed. A young man named Chun was last in line. He chose his seed carefully.​


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