India Languages, asked by xvideo, 1 year ago

business education essay


Answered by moon2005


Argumentative Draft

Formal Education Is the

Key to Success

The advancement of technology in the last decade has increased the demand for Americans to seek higher and formal education. No longer do we live in the age of manual labor, family owned & operated conveniences, but rather a computerized age. Thirty-years ago job seekers could find stable and secure work that would ensure stability and a prosperous future. Those white collar jobs could be obtained and secured by individuals lacking a formal and/or higher education. Today, blue collar jobs like fast food restaurants, warehouse labor, and/or janitorial services prefer and sometimes require some form of education. Employers have become more.

Today applicants are equally equipped with resumes, one or more degrees, fluency of languages, and references. Only highest achieved in education distinguishes him or herself from the competing applicants. Education is extremely important for those hoping for success in the twenty-first century. Those without a formal are not completely exempt from success, but without some form of education it will prove to be a difficult climb. Education open doors for those with the desire to enter the corporate world. People without a formal education may find it extremely difficult to compete with those with degrees. Professions like doctors, and lawyers are solely limited to those who have obtained higher education and proven to be skillful. People without higher education can not meet the minimum requirements. Mechanics, janitors, secretaries, and administration may put more emphasis on skills rather than education. Persons having those skills may be more successful than those without. The author, Unger states that “more than 28% of all full-time workers without college degrees earn more than the average without college degrees earn more than the average workers with a bachelors degree from college".

Answered by anu1234wer


L’educació és el que ens diferencia d’altres éssers vius de la terra. Fa de l’home la criatura més intel·ligent de la terra. Potencia els humans i els prepara per afrontar els reptes de la vida de manera eficient. Amb

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