Business Studies, asked by gohilk818, 2 months ago

Business is a form of ----activity. (Economic, non-economic, religious, social)

3. Business objectives are -------(opposite to each other, mutually supportive, conflicting,



Consistently declining performance suggest need of--(closure, turnaround,

reorganization, liquidation)

5. -----------------denotes the combination of two or more firms in such a way that only one

survives while other one is dissolved. ( liquidation , amalgamation, merger, acqisition )


Economic liberalisation is a new philosophy accepted in India after-----------( 1985,

1991,2005, 2010)

7. Global business leads to ------(independent countries, inter-dependence of countries, free


advance counties)

8. ----------includes trade and aids to trade. (Commerce, employment, profession, Industry)


Insurance -----the possible risk of loss in business. ( raises , minimizes, balances,


10. Intensification strategy is a ----------type of growth .(internal, external, global,

outsoursing )

11. ------involves closing down a firm and selling its assets (liquidation, amalgamation,


privatisation )

12. -----------is a refinancing deal in which debt-holder gets an equity position in exchange

for cancelation of debt. (Debt-equity swap, debt, equity , )

13. ----------is necessary for the removal of the sickness in the industry. (reorganisation ,

restructuring, closure, privatisation )

14. ---------may be defined as any arrangement whereby two or more parties cooperate in

order to run a business or to achieve commercial objectives. (joint venture,

partnership, amalgamation, merger)

15. -----may be defined as any arrangement whereby two or more companies

liquidated and a new

company is formed. ( liquidation , amalgamation, merger, privatisation )​


Answered by akankshasingh126


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Answered by steffiaspinno


Business is a form of economic activity as a business is done with the main purpose to earn profit as it also includes a higher rate of risk.

3. Mutually supportive.

Business objectives are mutually supportive of each other as all the decisions and its objectives are set to achieve the ultimate goal of the business.

4. Turnaround.

Consistently declining performance of a company can be rectified by turnaround strategy as it helps in identifying the reasons for declining performance and helps to rectify them.

5. Acquisition.

In acquisition, one company acquires another company under its name by acquiring the majority in its shareholding.

6. 1991

The policy of economic liberalization was accepted in India in 1991 to help overcome the major economic crisis as it includes globalization and privatization as major reforms for the Indian market on an international level.

7. Interdependence of countries.

Global business leads to the interdependence of countries on each other for various goods and services.

8. Commerce.

Commerce includes trade which is buying and selling of goods and services and as well as aids to trade.

9. Minimizes.

Taking insurance in business helps cover unexpected losses and hence minimizes the possible risk.

10. Internal growth.

An Intensification strategy is used by a firm to meet its growth objectives.

11. Liquidation.

In liquidation, a firm is dissolved and stops its business by selling its assets and paying off liabilities.

12. Debt-equity swap.

It is a deal to help the insolvent companies to pay their debt by exchanging an equity position in exchange for the cancellation of debt.

13. Restructuring.

To revive the sick units of the industry restructuring is needed.

14. Joined venture.

Joined adventure is the arrangement where two or more parties cooperate comes together to achieve a common business goal.

15. Amalgamation.

Amalgamation is the arrangement where two or more companies are liquidated to form a new company.

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