English, asked by ry620830, 15 days ago

Business reports are ...
in nature

(a) informal
(b) formal
(c) mixed
(d) decorative​


Answered by kshitijgrg


The business reports are formal in nature. because they convey information in an organized way.


A business report can be defined as an organized written statement of facts related to a particular business matter. This helps interested people gain insight into the problem and overcome it. The annual report contains information about facts related to our business activities. The nature of the annual report is different from other reports.  

characteristic of the business report:

  • Specific topics: All reports are written on specific topics, including business reports. Written to meet specific needs.
  • Predetermined Audience: An important feature of the report is that it has a pre-determined audience. Reports are typically written for a limited number of audiences and always keep in mind their needs.
  • Specific Structure or Layout: Report creation follows a specific structure, layout, or format. The layout or structure of the report is similar in both cases.
  • Written about past events: In most cases,  reports are about past events. Most business reports include the reason for the incident, how to recover, and more. The report was also created in the old format.
  • Neutrality: Fairness is strictly maintained in the production of reports. It does not contain biased or non-objective material. Biased reporting can lead to disastrous decisions.
  • Factual Information: Annual reports are always based on factual information. The data collected at a particular event is fact, not fact. Collaboration: Reports are the result of collaboration by groups of people. It is not possible to report personally or alone. Today, in most cases, a committee of three to seven people is formed to produce a report on a particular case.
  • Organized display: The information in the report is displayed in an orderly manner so that the audience can get the information they need in the right place.
  • Upflow: The direction of the report is always upward in the organizational structure. The superior agency usually delegates the obligation to produce the report to a subordinate agency that reports directly to it, and when the report is produced, submits it to the superior or superior agency.
  • Some additional presentation assistance: Reports are always presented attractively. In addition, analysis reports include executive summaries, content and indexes, required charts, graphs and designs, conclusions and recommendations, and more.
  • Signature and Date: It is customary to add the reporter's signature and date to the end of the report. If created by the committee, it must be signed by each member of the committee.


Answered by hotelcalifornia

Business reports are (c) mixed.

What is a business report?

  • A business report is an assortment of information and examinations that helps make pertinent data effectively open to an organization.
  • There are various kinds of business reports, however, this guide will show you the fundamental blueprint.

How are they mixed?

  • Formal and informal reports are the two most normal sorts of business reports.
  • At the point when a report is profoundly organized and is generally lengthy in size, it is known as a formal report.
  • On the other hand, a report is referred to be an informal report when it is brief and less ordered.


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