English, asked by pk0382701, 5 hours ago

(i) older
(i) on
(i) a
(i) at
es had all
(iii) with
(iv) and
(ii) old
(iii) oldest
(iv) elderly
(ii) at
(i) is
(iii) in
(iv) for
(ii) was
(i) in
(iii) isn't
(iv) wasn't
(ii) for
(iii) over
(iv) on
(ii) the
(iii) some
(iv) an
(ii) in
(iii) near
(iv) before
2. Fill in the blanks in the given paragraph with only one word in each blank, choosing the
best option from the ones given below.
A bio-engineering marvel (a) like
capable (b) Ece
the cockroach is inspiring researchers to build robots
sprinting over rough terrain. "Humans can run, but our capabilities are
nothing (c) copasce to what insects and some other animals can do." said John Schmitt,
professor (d) liked
who led (e)
the Oregon State University (OSU) School of Mechanical Engineering,
project. "Cockroaches are incredible. They (f)
on a dime, move easily over rough terrain, and react (g)
perturbations faster than a
nerve impulse (h)
travel," Schmitt said.
(a) (i) like
(ii) likes
(iii) liked
(iv) liking
(b) (i) for
(ii) in
(i) compare
(ii) compared
(iii) comparison (iv) comparing
(d) (i) at
(ii) on
(e) (i) a
(ii) an
bsa (f)
(iv) can
(i) could
(ii) may
(g) (i) in
(ii) for
(iii) to
(h) (1) can
(ii) may
run fast, turn
ja colony
(iii) of
(iv) to
d will ref
(iii) in
(iii) the
(iii) would
(iv) with
(iv) that
(iv) at
(iv) will
(iii) should
Fill in the blanks in the given paragraph with only one word in each blank, choosing the
best option from the ones given below.
More than 40 sites (a)
Iraq are contaminated with high levels of radiation and
dioxins, with three decades of war and neglect (b)
left environmental ruin in large
Grammar C65फीलिंग हिंदी प्लांट्स ​


Answered by corpsewastakenagain

مرحباً ، كيف حالك ، أنا بخير في الواقع أنا لا أعرف الإجابة ، أتمنى أن يخبرك أحدهم أنني سأساعدك أيضًا وبارك الله فيك يا علاء الدين

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