English, asked by StarTbia, 1 year ago

But it is not merely knowledge that will help you or help any class of human beings by itself. Along with that knowledge there is another requisite that you must secure and that is character. It is almost a truism to say that more depends for success in life
on character than on knowledge. It is an invidious thing to distinguish between comparative values of knowledge and character. But since both are indispensable, I would urge on you that you should attach as much importance to character as to knowledge. This character must show itself in earnestness, in energy of action and in high and generous sentiments being brought to bear upon the discharge of your duties and in recognizing what is due to yourselves. You have to acquire a character
which will raise the whole life of the people amidst whom you move and for whom you are expected to work.
4. What kind of character should you acquire while you are a student?
TNSCERT Class 10


Answered by youareamoron
it should be a character bcz of which we could be worthy of being called a student. We should be descent , humble, and should be obeying the laws of school and the society
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