English, asked by mamatapujar157, 6 months ago

by adding suffix "able"
to a
verb make a world​


Answered by kapilp10101


Because “-able” is a productive suffix, there is a huge number of words it can be attached to.


Using “-able” with existing words

  • accept→acceptable.
  • adapt→adaptable.
  • adjust→adjustable.
  • avoid→avoidable.
  • bend→bendable.
  • break→breakable.
  • build→buildable.
  • buy→buyable.
Answered by banikrudraksh29


coffee is bland, but drinkable,” which would mean that it’s possible to drink the coffee, even if it doesn’t taste that great. The adjective drinkable is a new word created from the verb drink. Just thinking about this example, you can probably come up with a bunch of other uses for this trick.

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