By default Z to A option is selected in Order drop down list in Sort dialog box
After data has been entered into an Excel worksheet, and even after it has been organized into a table, it can still be manipulated and reorganized. One of the easiest options is to sort the data in a particular order. For example, you can sort the data alphabetically.
Sorting Data
Method 1
Select the column or row you wish to sort.
From the Sort & Filter button in the Editing group in the ribbon, click the Sort button.
From the menu, choose how you would like to sort the data. For example, A to Z or Z to A. Note that A to Z is equivalent to Smallest to Largest and Z to A is equivalent to Largest to Smallest.
Data has been entered in Columns A and B through row 14. There is a green arrow pointing at a green box where a dropdown menu has opened up. The option to sort alphabetically is show.
Method 2
Select the column or row you wish to sort.
From the Data tab in the ribbon, click the appropriate Sort button. For example A to Z or Z to A.
Data has been entered in Columns A and B through row 14. There is a green box showing off the sort option in excel.
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