Find the square root
divison Method
Step-by-step explanation:
Take the last 2 digits.the last digit(ex:1) you have to check if 1 is the ending number of any square between 1 square-10 square.then you will find 2 numbers like that.whatever square it is you have to write it separately.then take the remaining numbers and find its below perfect square.then you have to write that.if it is(ex:5 square=25).the next step is to find the next number(ex:5 next number 6). Then you have to multiply the 2 numbers.then with the answer you have to compare with the first 2 digits of the square root you are finding.if the multiplied num er is smaller than the other number,then you have to select the lower number of the 2 numbers you first wrote separatly.then you wrote a sqare wqation and kept aside right, so now if the equation is (5 square=25)then you have to select 5 and write it to the left of the lower number you wrote. So the number you just now wrote is the sqare root.