By keeping the direction of a vector the same if its magnitude is doubled, would the magnitude of its every component be doubled?
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Let’s say we have two vectors initially , a & b with their resultant is r .
When magnitude of one vector (say b) gets doubled the vectors became a & c with their resultant R .
we know that, |c| = 2 |b| also a ⊥ R → a.R = 0
We only know one formula to calculate the magnitude of resultant so lets apply that,
|r| = √(a^2 + b^2 + 2*(a.b) ) ……(1)
We know this, a.R = 0
as, R = a + c
R = a + 2b
….(we replaced c with 2b because |c| = 2 |b| and they have same direction)
So, a.(a + 2b ) = 0
a.a + 2*(a.b) =0
a^2 + 2*(a.b) =0 …….(2)
From 1 and 2 ,
|r| = √( b^2 )
|r| = b
so magnitude of previous resultant r is equal to the vector which gets doubled..
The magnitude of new resultant R can’t be found out until & unless the angle and more data is given…
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