By the means of following analytical results show that the law of multiple proportion is true:
Mercurous Chloride Mercuric chloride
Mercury = 84.92% Mercury =73.8%
Chlorine = 15.08% Chlorine =26.20%
Law of multiple proportion states that when two elements combine to form two or more compouds, the masses of one element that combine with a fixed mass of the other element, are in the ratio of small whole numbers.
Case 1:
Mercurous chloride.
Hg=84.92% Cl=15.08%
1g of Hg combines with
=0.178g of Cl⟶1
Case 2:
Mercurous chloride.
Hg=73.8% Cl=26.2%
1g of Hg combines with
=0.35g of Cl⟶2
Form (1) and (2),
The ratio of 1gof Hg that reacts with 1g of Cl is 0.178:0.35≡1:1.96≡1:2
Law of multiple proportion states that when two elements combine to form two or more compouds, the masses of one element that combine with a fixed mass ... More
Top answer · 2 votes
Case1 15 08% of Cl combines with 84 92% Hg So 1% of Cl will combine with =15 08%/84 ...