By what basic amenties are missing for slum areas
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the large and continuous increase in India's urban population, and the concomitant growth of the population residing in slums and shanty towns, has resulted in over-straining of infrastructure and a deterioration in public health. Inadequate civic amenities, lack of purchasing power, and lack of knowledge and awareness among the urban poor have resulted in urban poverty which is very different from its rural counterpart. While a few policies have specifically targeted the urban poor, these have been neither sufficient nor effective. Also, the deteriorating health status of urban people needs urgent attention because many of the recent health problems can take an epidemic form if neglected. A resurgence of malaria, dengue and tuberculosis indicates that much of the poor health emanates from a lack of basic amenities such as sanitation, clean water and housing, coupled with a lack of awareness about the need to take precautionary measures against preventable and infectious diseases. To tackle these problems effectively, it is important for policy-makers to recognize that certain groups are more susceptible to ill health than others; they are vulnerable to the severe impact of illnesses and also the likely sources of infection for the population at large. There is an urgent need for research on the factors that prevent the urban poor from availing the services provided to them. It is possible that this is due to the lack of awareness-generating policies which should accompany any supply-side policies such as the provision of basic facilities
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