By what name is Portia called in trial scene?
Portia is portrayed as a clever and self-assured character in the famous play " The Merchant of Venice" by William Shakespeare.
Portia was also called "Balthazar" in trial scene.
She was sent by an esteemed doctor of laws, Bellario, to defend Antonio.
Portia was present there so that she could defend Antonio against Shylock's claim to a pound of his flesh in lieu of forfeiting on a bond.
Hope it helps!
Portia took a disguise as the lawyer and came for defending Antonio during the trial in the city Venice. She heard this from Bassanio. He won her hand after choosing the right casket.
He told Portia that the sea – merchant Antonio was in danger and feared that his life was at the hand of the moneylender named Shylock. Antonio also gave an undertaking saying that he would repay 3000 Ducats.