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relationship of Astrologer & guru hajak. 13
In the story "An Astrologer's Day," the main character is a man who works as an astrologer. He claims to be authentic. He has all the equipment that an astrologer would use. He begins his work at... In "An Astrologer's Day," describe how the astrologer felt at the end of the story.
The astrologer is portrayed as a man who has always had to live by his own wits and on his luck. He pretends to be a learned astrologer, but He was as much a stranger to the stars as were his.
Guru Puja, Guru Mantra and Remedies. Jupiter is also known as Guru or Brihaspati in Vedic astrology. Hindu scriptures confer him with title of Guru of Gods. Guru or Brihaspat is considered to be the most benefic planet as per Hindu astrology. Jupiter is lord of Sagittarius (Dhanu) and Pisces (Meena).