Science, asked by virkparry, 8 months ago

C. Answer the following:
a) Define (i) heterotrophs (ii) autotrophs (iii) heterotrophic nutrition?
b) Name a parasitic plant with yellow, slender and tubular stem.
c) Give one example of parasite.
d) Name one plant that traps and feeds on insects.
e) Name a plant that has both autotrophic and heterotrophic mode of nutrition
f) What are fluffy umbrella-like patches growing on rotting wood during the rainy
g) How can cells be seen?
h) Where is nucleus located in a cell?
i) What are carbohydrates made up of?
j) Where does the synthesis of food in a plant usually take place?
k) What is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms?
1) Write an equation that represents the process photosynthesis.
m) What are the components of food?
n) What are insectivorous plants?
o) Why photosynthesis is named so?
p) What are stomata?​


Answered by satyamnara067


C. a) 1; the organism that does not manufacture its own food it depend on autotrophs or producers.

2; an organism capableof synthesizing its own food by using inorganic substance called sunlight carbon dioxide etc.

3; heterotrophic nutrition is a type of nutrition which organism depend upon forfood to survive.

b) cuscuta (Ectoparasite).

c) tapeworms (tampons are segmented flatworms attach themselves to the insides of inter science of animals).

d) carnivorous plants.

e) Venus flytrap.

f) agaricus ( type of mushroom).

g) you can see some cells with our naked eyes, such as unfertilized ostrich egg which is single cell. but some of the cells cannot see with our naked eyes then we use microscope to see such types of cells like amoeba etc.

h) in animal cell, the nucleus is located in central region of the cell where as in plant cell nucleus is located on the periphery due to large water filled in vacuole in the centre of cell.

i) carbon carbon dioxide is made up of carbon oxygen and hydrogenin the ratio 1 :2: 1.

j) the the synthesis of food in plants takes place in leaves.

k) Sun sun is ultimate source of energy for living organisms.

l) 6CO2 +6H2O ______c6h12o6 +6o2

m) 1. protein,

2. fats,

3. vitamins,

4. carbohydrates,

5. minerals these are the components of food.

n) the insectivorous plants are also called as carnivorous plants nitrogen is needed to fulfilled by the sucking juice insect

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