English, asked by yp405402, 9 months ago

C. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. Name the major water bodies on earth


Answered by adrika04

There are five classification of water bodies : Oceans ,seas, lakes ,river and canal .There are five oceans : Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian ,Artic and Southern Ocean . There are four sea Black sea, Caspian sea, Red sea and bay of Bengal and etc ...........

I hope it will help you

Thankyou ☺️☺️☺️☺️

Answered by manangbee955

The major water bodies on earth are oceans , seas , lakes ,rivers and canals .

There are five large water bodies called oceans in the world. These are the pacific ocean ,the atlantic ocean ,the indian ocean ,the arctic ocean and the southern ocean.

Smaller water bodies include seas ,lakes and rivers .

hope it helps ....

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