English, asked by tusharsavgupta, 7 months ago

[C] Change into statements without changing the meaning.
111 What a wonderful bird the peacock is!
1 what a won
[2] You dare to doubt my honesty !
[3] How nice the morning is !
[4] What a nice scene this is !
[5] What a piece of work man is !
[6] Too late! you cannot enter now.
17] Had I but come an hour earlier !
[8] Were we young again!
could only gain the ground!
110 How sweet are the uses of adversity!


Answered by bhuyanrupjyoti93


The peacock is a wonderful bird.

Don't you dare doubt my honesty.

The morning is very nice.

This is a nice scene.

It is a piece of workmanship.

It's too late to enter now.

I should have come an hour earlier.

We are young again.

The uses.of adversity os very sweet.

If u find the answer useful, please mark me brainliest.

Answered by sangitaadak2000


1 The peacock is a very wonderful bird.

2. you should not dare to doubt on my honesty.

3.The morning is very nice.

4.This is a very nice scene.

5 .It is a price of workmanship.

6. You are very late so you couldn't enter now.

7. I wish I had come an hour earlier.

8. you were young again.

9. The ground could only be gained by me.

10 .The uses of adversity are very sweet.

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