Physics, asked by simran0412, 2 months ago

Choose the correct option.
The characteristic which determines the energy carried by sound waves is
(a) loudness
(b) pitch
(c) quality
(d) none of these
2. The speed of sound in solids, liquids and gases varies as (S, L and G represent speed of sound in
solid, liquid and gas respectively.).
(a) S>L>G
(b) S<<G
(c) S>L=G
(d) S<L=G
3. If we reduce the amplitude of the sound wave by one-third, then the loudness becomes
(a) 9 times
(b) 3 times
(c) 1/9 times
(d) 1/3 times
4. A monotone is produced by
(a) tuning fork
(b) clarinet
(c) humans
(d) both (a) and (c)
5. Decibel is the unit used to measure the
of sound.
(a) loudness
(b) pitch
(c) frequency
(d) quality
6. Timbre is the other name used for
(a) loudness
(b) pitch
(c) frequency
(d) quality​


Answered by SaikatNandi


2= S>L>G

4=option d

5= option a

6=option d


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