C. Complete these sentences with ideas of your own
1. Keep these papers in the bank locker lest so that no one wake
so that employees will not go on a strike.
3. My general knowledge has improved a lot, therefore
4. We will not complain about the food lest
5. The blood test detected some viral infection, so
because the tape was getting frequently stuck.
7. Iam improving my general knowledge in order to
8. Iam improving my general knowledge because
that she stole a gold chain from a neighbour's house.
10. We have employed a night watchman in our colony because
Answered by
1. ...lest someone will steal them.
2. Increase their salaries so that...
3. ... therefore I'm going to take part in the GK competition.
4. ...lest we'll be cursed.
5. ...so we need to isolate him for a week or two.
6. I used the stapler because...
7. ...to win the trivia.
8. ... because I don't want to lose the competition.
9. She confessed that...
10. ...because there have been many robbery cases coming up.
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